5 Tips to Help Fight Fall Allergies

Ah, the summer heat is behind us and we can finally look forward to a cool breeze and the great outdoors... or can we? Fall brings beautiful foliage, cool breezes, chilly nights, pumpkin everything, football games, and…allergy season.

While most people associate allergies with springtime, the other peak season is right around the corner. While spring allergies are caused by tree pollen, fall allergies are caused by weeds, with ragweed being the biggest culprit, mold, and dust.

Here are 5 tips to help fight Fall Allergies:

Fall Ragweed & Pollen
It’s estimated that 75% of people who are allergic to spring plants are also affected by ragweed. Pollen is the main culprit, and ragweed is the biggest producer of pollen in the Fall. When the pollen count is high, avoid going outside as much as possible, especially in the morning and on dry, warmer days.

Outdoor Mold
Outdoor molds grow in leaf piles, rotting logs, and compost heaps. Remove all dead vegetation from around the perimeter of your house and make sure that water from rain gutters can run away from your foundation. When you are outside doing fall cleanup chores, make sure to wear a mask, and shower. 

Indoor Mold
Indoor molds love damp areas, so basements, bathrooms, laundry areas, and kitchens are among their favorite places. Always look for any leaks under sinks and around appliances and repair them. Get rid of any old, damp carpeting. Clean any mold you find on walls or inside cabinets, and after cleaning, be sure the surface is dried. 

Vacuuming and cleaning can stir up dust particles, making them easier to inhale. Wearing a mask while cleaning, minimizing household humidity, washing bed linens frequently in hot water, using allergy-proof bedding covers, filtering the air in your home are all ways to help reduce dust mite exposure in your home. 

Spring Cleaning? What about Fall Cleaning!
Keep the windows closed and run the air conditioning to keep pollen out, but make sure you change your filters regularly. A good HEPA filter removes airborne dust, mold spores, and pollen. Cleanliness inside your house is important to preventing allergy symptoms -- vacuuming, wiping down surfaces, and dusting regularly makes a big difference. Wear a mask and gloves while cleaning! 

Take control and learn how to manage your symptoms. Our Allergists, who work hand-in-hand with our ENT specialists, will tailor a treatment plan suited to your lifestyle and needs.

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