How to Work Outside, Even With Allergies

With allergy season right around the corner, our team has put together a list of tips to help you manage your symptoms this spring & summer, and keep working out outside!

Plan Your Workouts For Low Pollen Count Days

"Pollen is less severe on rainy, cloudy, or windless days because pollen needs to move around in the air in order to get into our noses, eyes, and airways," Dr. Gupta explained. "On hot, dry, and windy days, your allergies might increase, so these are the days you might not want to work out outside."

Of course, pollen counts can vary even from one hour to the next. "The best times of day for low pollen counts — and therefore working out — are usually before dawn and in the late afternoon to early evening," she added. If you want to be certain, you can check the pollen count with a quick Google search before you head outdoors. "If it's a particularly high-pollen day, you might want to stay inside," Dr. Gupta said.

Wash Pollen Off With A Shower After Your Workout

"When you do exercise outside, wash your hair at night to get rid of any pollen that might have gotten stuck to your hair," Dr. Gupta suggested. In fact, it's best to take a full shower after changing out of your workout clothes, in order to prevent transferring allergens to your sheets. Allergy symptoms are notoriously worse at night for this reason.

Know When To See A Doctor For Your Allergies

If you're simply not finding relief — and it's getting in the way of your workouts — it may be time to talk to book an appointment. "If your allergies are causing you to suffer, there are so many solutions out there," Dr. Gupta said. "Go see a doctor and get allergy testing to figure out which medications are right for you, especially if it's causing you any difficulty breathing."

Many experts recommend taking an over-the-counter antihistamine or nasal spray an hour before your workout, for example — but there are also eye drops or inhalers, which can help soothe itchy, watery eyes or inflamed airways. Your doctor can help you develop a plan to best manage your symptoms, everything from a potential histamine intollerance, to more inhibiting symptoms can be treatedt with the right care.

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