February is Kids ENT Health Month!

Sometimes the littlest ears, noses and throats can develop some big problems. At ENT and Allergy Associates, our top priority is providing swift and efficient care for children's ear, nose, throat, allergy, and audiology needs.

We understand that dealing with ear infections, nasal congestion, sore throat, allergies, and snoring can be a stressful and uncomfortable experience for both you and your child. That's why we offer same or next day appointments, so you don't have to wait long to get the care your child needs.

7 key things to be aware of regarding your child's health:

Ear Pain: 

Earaches in children are common. They can be caused by fluid behind the eardrum, an infection in the middle part of the ear, or an infection in the ear canal (also known as swimmer's ear). Kids under 5 years old are at a higher risk for ear infections, especially after upper respiratory infections (like a cold). To learn more about causes and treatments, click here

Food Allergies:

Young kids with food allergies can stay safe at school, but it takes organization, preparation, and education. For tips on keeping your child safe during the school year, and all year long, click here.


Asthma affects 1 in 12 children. Asthma accounts for missed school days and can be life threatening if not controlled. For important information regarding asthma triggers and management, click here.


Snoring in children is common but not normal as it may be a sign of sleep apnea. Unlike in adults, the tonsils and/or the adenoids are usually the source of snoring. While some children “grow out of” the problem, others may need their tonsils and/or adenoids removed to solve it. Learn more.


Nosebleeds are common in children because delicate, small blood vessels line the nose and can easily break. To learn more about nosebleed triggers, tips, and management, click here.

Nasal Trauma: 

The anatomy and location of the nose causes it to be easily exposed to trauma. In fact, everyday play and sports account for most incidents of nasal injuries in children. For nasal trauma tips and management, click here.

Winter Allergies: 

Pollen allergies are most prevalent in the spring and fall but let’s not forget many can be allergic to indoor allergens such as molds, pet dander, and dust mites. To learn about how dust mites, indoor mold, and our furry friends may cause allergy symptoms in the winter months, click here.

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